On Friday we shared our love and knowledge of yoga with a lovely gathering of like minded people.
Noeline took us through a centering meditation with love and compassion and Shirley talked about Buddha.. a short reflection on his life and then the many representations of him in statue form. What to look for when purchasing one, what various hasta mudras mean and where (and where not!) to place one in the home. She brought in some of her treasured Buddha's including the 1st one she brought as a young girl in Sarnath in 1950 which is where Buddha preached his first sermon after his enlightenment. It was here that her interest in Buddhism was sparked. We were also lucky enough to see and touch a gold leafed wooden Buddha over a hundred years old with the most serene face and a gorgeous lacquered Buddha from Burma which she brought in Hong Kong. No wonder Shirley's home is so peaceful with all her beautiful Buddha's surrounding her. While we shared Jasmine tea and cake and Noeline's delicious ayevedic slice, Lesley shared some teachings on the Sutra's, in particular Chapter 1 , Sutra's 12,13 and 14 and the value of diligent practice, abhyasa. We then chanted them together which created a calm and mindful atmosphere. So much fun! The evening was by donation with $80 being raised for Cystic Fibrosis Queensland. Thank you to everyone who attended.
Keep an eye out for our next Satsang date.