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PD Yoga

Goddess Workshop - Wisdom of the Divine Feminine

She entered my life the way all the most significant experiences do – quietly and without fanfare.

I didn’t even know I was looking for ‘Her’ but the moment ‘She’ entered my awareness there was this deep, resounding and all-knowing YES.

The offering was simple- to join a course and learn more about the Hindu Goddesses of the yoga tradition. Little did I know just how profoundly this would change my life.

7 years on and her influence is still my guiding light. Over the years I have questioned why and how this short 6weeks course impacted me so dramatically. It is only now that I am about to offer a similar course have I found a reasonable answer-

In coming home to the Divine Feminine, you come home to yourself.


Because she will remind you of all the parts of yourself that you have forgotten, neglected, suppressed and denied. In awakening to and embodying these varied aspects the healing power of the feminine can flow into the world as one becomes a vessel for it. Not only do these Goddesses represent some outer aspirations they ARE the manifestations of our inner being. They live within all of us and in honouring them, their unique gifts can be accessed. Ultimately, they are here to draw our attention back to our divine nature and claim it.

Through connecting with these Goddesses, I learnt how to not only understand but appreciate those parts of myself that appeared dark and unsightly as well as radiant and alluring. I grew to immerse myself in the spaces they offered, such as being still in the pause that happens when something finishes and before something new begins. I came to see there was great wisdom in this void if I could simply allow myself to be there with it and by connecting to this certain Goddess I could.

Summoning certain Goddesses to act as an avenue to connect with a deeper part of yourself is both liberating and enlightening. This is why the practice of Goddess worship has been around for thousands of years but the true nature of it has remained withheld. Yet now is the time for ‘Her’ to step forward as our world is dramatically changing and a new narrative that supports unity, love and acceptance is paramount.

The gateway to the Divine Feminine is you. You hold so much power, strength, love, compassion, forgiveness, wisdom, abundance, courage, fierce grace, liberation and freedom within you cannot even begin to wrap your head around it. Though if you place yourself in alignment with the Divine Feminine, she might just allow you to catch a glimpse of just how infinite you are.

The Wisdom of the Divine Feminine - A 6 week course connecting you with the many forms of the Goddess within April 22-May 27 Thursday evenings 18.00-19.30 $180 including handouts and practices. Availability is limited to 11 people with a few spots remaining. Contact Alana 0460435237 to book or for further inquiries.

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